We’re backed by Techstars

A new home for your app & game binaries

Transform your workflow with build artifact and release management for app and game devs

Buildstash Dashboard UI

The build-to-release workflow you've been
dreaming of

Ditch the shared drive dumping grounds
Illustration depicting a chaotic build list
Effortless organization for your builds
Illustration depicting a chaotic build list
Group of users icon

Built for sharing

Buildstash is designed to share your apps the way you want

UI of a generate link button
Share links

Instantly generate links to securely share a build, release, or stream.

UI for managing user permissions
Manage access

Granular permissions put you in control of who has access.

UI for creating releases
Create releases

Attach builds to a release when you are ready to distribute.

Paper plane icon

Beautiful distribution

Impressions are important. Buildstash provides ready-made, brandable portals for sharing your applications

UI view of a public portal page within Buildstash
Public download pages

Share your app builds and releases via ready-made, beautiful download pages. Control which streams are for public or internal distribution.

UI view of a private portal page within Buildstash
Private portals

For external collaboration, such as teams working with clients, create a branded private portal to share your application builds and releases.

Group of users icon

The missing piece in your build pipeline

Buildstash slots right into your existing workflow

Illustration depicting various integrations with Buildstash
Seamless integration

Buildstash works with the tools you're already using. Attach your repositories on hosts such as GitHub, and link up your favourite CI tool like Jenkins or TeamCity.

Illustration depicting notifications for Buildstash
Superior visibility

Keep your team in the loop with email, desktop, or Slack notifications.